杜克锐(Kerry Du)

kerrydu AT xmu.edu.cn

About me

• 1986年6月出生于广东汕头,2015年6月于厦门大学获经济学博士学位,2019年1月起任厦门大学中国能源政策研究院副教授,主要研究领域为应用计量经济学、能源和环境经济学,效率和生产率分析;在《经济研究》、《世界经济》、《Energy Economics》、《Energy Journal》、《China Economic Review》、《Stata Journal》等国内外重要期刊发表论文30多篇;主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、中国博士后科学基金面上项目、中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目、山东省自然科学基金博士项目等多个课题;获得山东省社会科学优秀成果二等奖(2018)。

See my profile at Google Scholar


• 2019年1月至今 , 厦门大学管理学院,中国能源政策研究院, 副教授

• 2015年7月-2018年11月,山东大学经济研究院, 助理研究员


• 2012.09-2015.06, 厦门大学, 能源经济学,博士学位


• 国家自然科学基金面上项目,环境规制与中国城市经济绿色转型:基于绿色技术进步和产业结构升级视角 的研究,72074184,48万元,2021.01-2024.12, 主持

• 国家自然科学基金青年项目,异质技术和空间相关下的环境效率测度方法及应用研究,71603148,17万元,2017.01-2019.12, 主持


gitee: Install Stata package in Gitee

installpkg: Stata Window Menu for installing package

• xtplfc: Stata module to estimate partially linear functional-coefficient panel data models [github] [gitee]

• mepi: Malmquist Energy Productivity Index in Stata [github] [gitee]

• gftpch: Total Factor Productivity with Undesirable Outputs in Stata [github] [gitee]

• malmq2: Malmquist Productivity index in Stata [github] [gitee]

• sbmeff: Slacks-based Measure of Efficiency in Stata [github] [gitee]

• ddfeff: Directional Distance Function for Efficiency/Productivity Analysis in Stata [github] [gitee]

• reshape3: Stata module to enhance reshape for multilevel data [ssc install reshape3]

• LMDI: Stata module to compute Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index Decomposition [ssc install lmdi]

• LABONE: Stata module to label variables after import excel [ssc install labone]

• TRANSLOG: Stata module to create new variables for a translog function [ssc install translog]

Some Stata commands on DEA models for energy and environmental efficiency evaluation

PSFA2010: Matlab module for Estimating Fixed-Effect Panel Stochastic Frontier Models by Model Transformation

PSECTA: Stata module for econometric convergent test and club clustering [findit psecta]


# indicates the corrresponding author.

1. Z Yan, R Shi, K Du, L Yi. The role of green production process innovation in green manufacturing: empirical evidence from OECD countries. Applied Economics, 1-13

2. X Li, K Du, X Ouyang, L Liu. Does more stringent environmental regulation induce firms' innovation? Evidence from the 11th Five-year plan in China. Energy Economics, 106110.

3. Daoping Wang, Kerui Du#, Ning Zhang. Measuring technical efficiency and total factor productivity change with undesirable outputs in Stata. Stata Journal,The Stata Journal 22 (1), 103-124.

4. Kerui Du; Yuanyuan Chen; Xin Yao. Environmental regulation, green technology innovation, and industrial structure upgrading: The road to the green transformation of Chinese cities. Energy Economics. 2021.(98):105247

5. Du, K., Yu Ying, Li Jing#. Does international trade promote CO2 emission performance? An empirical analysis based on a partially linear functional-coefficient panel data model. Energy Economics, Volume 92, October 2020, 104983.

6. Du, K., Yu, Y. and Wei, C# . Climatic impact on china s residential electricity consumption Does the level of income matter?China Economic Review, 2020,63, 101520.

7. Du, K., Zhang, Y.# and Zhou, Q. Estimating partially linear functional-coefficient panel data models with Stata. Stata Journal, 2021,20(4):976-998.

8. Du, K., Shao, S.# and Yan, Z. Urban residential energy demand and rebound effect in China: A stochastic energy demand frontier approach. The Energy Journal. 2021.42(4):175-193.

9. Zheming Yan, Baoling Zou, Kerui Du#, Ke Li, Do renewable energy technology innovations promote China's green productivity growth? Fresh evidence from partially linear functional-coefficient models, Energy Economics, 2020, 90, 104842.

10. Kerui Du#, Pengzhen Li, Zheming Yan#. Do green technology innovations contribute to carbon dioxide emission reduction? Empirical Evidence from Patent Data. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Volume 146, September 2019, Pages 297-303.

11. Caiquan Bai, Kerui Du#, Ying Yu, Chen Feng. Understanding the trend of total factor carbon productivity in the world: Insights from convergence analysis. Energy Economics, Volume 81, June 2019, Pages 698-708

12. Jianglong Li, Hongxun Liu, Kerui Du#. Does market-oriented reform increase energy rebound effect? Evidence from China's regional development, China Economic Review, 2019,56,101304.

13. Kerui Du, Jianglong Li#. Towards a green world: How do green technology innovations affect total-factor carbon productivity. Energy Policy, Volume 131, August 2019, Pages 240-250.

14. Xin Yao#, Ruting Huang, Kerui Du. The impacts of market power on power grid efficiency: Evidence from China. China Economic Review,China Economic Review, Volume 55, June 2019, Pages 99-110.

15. Hongxun Liu, Kerui Du#,Jianglong Li. An improved approach to estimate direct rebound effect by incorporating energy efficiency: A revisit of China's industrial energy demand. Energy Economics, Volume 80, May 2019, Pages 720-730.

16. Kerui Du. Econometrics convergence test and club clustering using Stata. Stata Journal, 2017,Volume 17 Number 4, pp. 882-900.

17. Xiaoling Ouyang, Beiying Gao,Kerui Du# ,Gang Du#. Industrial sectors' energy rebound effect: An empirical study of Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration, Energy , Volume 145, 15 February 2018, Pages 408-416.

18. Zhi Li, Xiaoling Ouyang#, Kerui Du#, Yang Zhao, Does government transparency contribute to improved eco-efficiency performance? An empirical study of 262 cities in China, Energy Policy, Volume 110, November 2017, Pages 79-89.

19. Zheming Yan, Kerui Du#, Zhiming Yang, Min Deng, Convergence or divergence? Understanding the global development trend of low-carbon technologies, Energy Policy, Volume 109, 2017, Pages 499-509.

20. Zheming Yan; Lan Yi; Kerui Du#; Zhiming Yang. Impacts of Low-Carbon Innovation and Its Heterogeneous Components on CO2 Emissions. Sustainability, 2017, 9, 548.

21. Kerui Du; Boqiang Lin#; Chunping Xie. Exploring Change in China’s carbon intensity: a decomposition approach. Sustainability, 2017, 9(2), 296.

22. Kerui Du, Chunping Xie#, Xiaoling Ouyang#, A comparison of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission trends among provinces in China, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 73, June 2017, Pages 19-25.

23. Kerui Du and Boqiang Lin#. International comparison of total-factor energy productivity growth: A parametric Malmquist index approach. Energy, Volume 118, 1 January 2017, Pages 481-488.

24. Kerui Du and Boqiang Lin#. Understanding the rapid growth of China's energy consumption: A comprehensive decomposition framework. Energy, Volume 90, Part 1, October 2015, Pages 570–577.

25. Kerui Du and Boqiang Lin#. Comments on “Using latent variable approach to estimate China's economy-wide energy rebound effect over 1954-2010” by Shuai Shao, Tao Huang and Lili Yang. Energy Policy, Volume 86, November 2015, Pages 219–221.

26. Kerui Du #, Lu Huang, and Zhiming Yang. Understanding industrial energy productivity growth in China: a production-theoretical approach. Energy Efficiency, June 2015, Volume 8, Issue 3, pp 493-508.

27. Boqiang Lin# and Kerui Du. Measuring energy rebound effect in the Chinese economy: An economic accounting approach. Energy Economics, Volume 50, July 2015, Pages 96–104.

28. Boqiang Lin# and Kerui Du. Modeling the dynamics of carbon emission performance in China: A parametric Malmquist index approach. Energy Economics, Volume 49, May 2015, Pages 550–557.

29. Boqiang Lin# and Kerui Du. Energy and CO2 emissions performance in China's regional economies: Do market-oriented reforms matter? Energy Policy, Volume 78, March 2015, Pages 113–124.

30. Boqiang Lin# and Kerui Du. Measuring energy efficiency under heterogeneous technologies using a latent class stochastic frontier approach: An application to Chinese energy economy. Energy, Volume 76, 1 November 2014, Pages 884–890.

31. Boqiang Lin# and Kerui Du. Decomposing Energy Intensity Change: A Combination of Index Decomposition Analysis and Production-theoretical Decomposition Analysis. Applied Energy, Volume 129, 15 September 2014,Pages 158-165.

32. Kerui Du#, Lu Huang and Kun Yu. Sources of the potential CO2 emissions reduction in China: A nonparametric metafrontier approach. Applied Energy, Volume 115, 15 February 2014, Pages 491–501.

33. Boqiang Lin# and Kerui Du. Technology gap and China’s regional energy efficiency: A parametric metafrontier approach. Energy Economics, Volume 40, November 2013, Pages 529–536.

34. 林伯强,杜克锐. 要素市场扭曲对能源效率的影响. 经济研究,2013,09:125-136.

35. 林伯强,杜克锐. 理解中国能源强度的变化:一个综合的分解框架. 世界经济,2014,04:69-87.

36. 林伯强,杜克锐. 我国能源生产率增长的动力何在:基于距离函数的分解. 金融研究,2013, 09,84-96.

37. 杜克锐,罗能生. 电视台集团化还是竞争:一个产业组织的视角. 世界经济文汇,2011,06:11-31. (本科毕业论文)


Applied Economics, Annals of Tourism Research, Energy Journal, Energy Economics, China Economic Review, World Development, Computational Economics, Economic Modelling, Energy Policy, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Applied Energy, Energy, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice,Business, Strategy and the Environment
