2011年6月毕业于厦门大学,统计学专业,计量经济学方向,获经济学博士学位。主要研究领域:能源经济与管理、环境经济、产业经济、非参数计量方法、非线性计量模型。现为国际能源经济协会(IAEE)高级会员、全国工业统计学教学研究会理事、中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会高级会员。2020-2023 “全球前2%顶尖科学家”(斯坦福大学发布);“2020-2023爱思唯尔中国高被引学者”。在国内外主流学术期刊《经济研究》、《数理统计与管理》、The Energy Journal、Energy Economics、Energy Policy、Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews、Journal of Environmental Management等发表论文100余篇,其中ESI高被引论文20余篇、SCI一区40余篇、TOP期刊论文40余篇。主持包括国家自然基金面上项目、国家社科基金项目、中央高校专项基金、省自然基金项目和国家统计局科研项目等课题20余项;参与国家自然基金重点、国家社科基金重大等各类型国家级项目10余项;出版专著2部、获省社会科学优秀成果奖4项(一等奖2项、三等奖2项)、省教学成果奖1项(二等奖);指导学生获国家级和省部级优秀论文奖6项(一等奖4项、二等奖2项);现为50多个国内外学术期刊审稿专家。
2021.09-至今 厦门大学 管理学院 中国能源政策研究院,教授
2008.09-2011.06 厦门大学 统计学专业 博士学位
能源经济与管理、环境经济、能源金融、计量经济学; 招收对上述领域感兴趣的硕博研究生和博士后,学校有丰厚的奖学金支持。I am seeking master's, doctoral, and postdoctoral students who have a keen interest in the fields of energy economics as well as environmental economics and management. The institution provides substantial scholarship opportunities.
1. Xu, B., Lin, B., 2025. Green credit and green technology innovation: Impact mechanism and nonlinear effect test. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 110, 107652. SSCI一区、TOP期刊.
2. Xu, B., 2025. How government expenditure reduces energy poverty? Evidence from spatial quantile model, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 112, 107851.
3. Xu, B., 2024. Green finance, green technology innovation, and wind power development in China: Evidence from spatial quantile model. Energy Economics, 107463. SSCI一区、TOP期刊.
4. Xu, B., 2024. Financial decentralization, renewable energy technologies, energy subsidies and wind power development in China: An analysis of nonparametric model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 434, 139902. SCI一区、TOP期刊.
5. Xu, B., Lin, B., 2024. Exploring the role of green finance in wind power development: using the nonparametric model. Frontiers in Sustainable Energy Policy, 3, 1344166. SSCI/SCI一区、TOP期刊.
6. Xu, B., 2024. Environmental regulations, technological innovation, and low carbon transformation: A case of the logistics industry in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 439, 140710. SCI一区、TOP期刊.
7. Xu, B., Xu, R., 2024. An assessment on the new impetus of green energy development and its impact on climate change: a non-linear perspective. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-18. SCI二区.
8. Xu, B., Lin, B., 2024. How can green finance effectively promote low-carbon cities? Evidence from 237 cities in China. Journal of Environmental Management, 365, 121641. SCI一区、TOP期刊.
9. Xu, B., 2024. Fostering green technology innovation with green credit: Evidence from spatial quantile approach. Journal of Environmental Management, 369, 122272. SSCI一区、TOP期刊.
10. Xu, B., Lin, B., 2025. Green credit and green technology innovation: Impact mechanism and nonlinear effect test. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 110, 107652. SSCI一区、TOP期刊.
11. Xu, B., 2023. Assessing the impact of transportation infrastructure on rural residents' income: using the quantile regression approach, Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 11,1-12.
12. Xu, B., 2023. A spatial analysis of an effective path for low-carbon development of energy-intensive industries. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 37, 227-241. SCI一区、TOP期刊.
13. Xu, B., Lin, B., 2023. Assessing the green energy development in China and its carbon reduction effect: Using a quantile approach. Energy Economics, 106967. SSCI一区、TOP期刊.
14. Xu, B., 2023. Exploring the sustainable growth pathway of wind power in China: Using the semiparametric regression model, Energy Policy, 113845. SSCI/SCI一区、TOP期刊.
15. Xu, R., Xu, B#., 2022. Exploring the effective way of reducing carbon intensity in the heavy industry using a semiparametric econometric approach. Energy, 243, 1-9. SCI一区、TOP期刊.
16. Xu, B., Lin, B., 2022. Exploring the spatial distribution of distributed energy in China. Energy Economics, 105828. SSCI一区、TOP期刊.
17. Xu, B., Lin, B., 2023. Investigating the Determinants of the Growth of the New Energy Industry: Using Quantile Regression Approach. The Energy Journal, 44(2),1-13. SSCI二区、TOP期刊.
18. Xu, B., Xu, R., 2022. Assessing the role of environmental regulations in improving energy efficiency and reducing CO2 emissions: Evidence from the logistics industry. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 96, 106831. 高被引论文、SSCI一区、TOP期刊.
19. Xu, B., Xu, R., 2023. Assessing the carbon intensity of the heavy industry in China: Using a nonparametric econometric model. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 98, 106925. SSCI一区、TOP期刊.
20. Xu, B., 2022. How to efficiently reduce the carbon intensity of the heavy industry in China? Using quantile regression approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(19), 12865. JCR一区.
21. Xu, B., Lin, B., 2021. Investigating spatial variability of CO2 emissions in heavy industry: Evidence from a geographically weighted regression model. Energy Policy, 149, 112011. ESI高被引论文、SSCI/SCI一区、TOP期刊.
22. Sheng, B., Xu, B., Pan, Y., Chen, H., 2021. How to efficiently promote distributed energy resources in China: Using a nonparametric econometric method. Journal of Cleaner Production, 285, 125420. SCI一区、TOP期刊.
23. Xu, B., Chen, J., 2021. How to achieve a low-carbon transition in the heavy industry? A nonlinear perspective. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 140, 110708. SCI一区、TOP期刊.
24. Liu, Y., Lin, B., Xu, B., 2021. Modeling the impact of energy abundance on economic growth and CO2 emissions by quantile regression: Evidence from China. Energy, 227, 120416. SCI一区、TOP期刊.
25. Xu, B., Luo, Y., Xu, R., Chen, J., 2021. Exploring the driving forces of distributed energy resources in China: Using a semiparametric regression model. Energy, 236, 121452. SCI一区、TOP期刊.
26. Lin, B., Xu, B., 2021. A non-parametric analysis of the driving factors of China's carbon prices. Energy Economics, 105684. SSCI一区、TOP期刊.
27. Xu, B., Chen, W., Zhang, G., Wang, J., Ping, W., Luo, L., Chen, J., 2020. How to achieve green growth in China's agricultural sector. Journal of Cleaner Production, 271, 122770. SCI一区、TOP期刊.
28. Lin, B., Xu, B., 2020. How does fossil energy abundance affect China's economic growth and CO2 emissions? Science of The Total Environment, 719, 137503. SCI一区、TOP期刊.
29. Xu, B., Lin, B., 2020. Investigating drivers of CO2 emission in China's heavy industry: A quantile regression analysis. Energy, 118159. SCI一区、TOP期刊.
30. Xu, B., Lin, B., 2021. Large fluctuations of China's commodity prices: Main sources and heterogeneous effects. International Journal of Finance & Economics, 26(2), 2074-2089. SSCI二区、TOP期刊.
31. 林伯强、徐斌. 研发投入、碳强度与区域二氧化碳排放.《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》,2020, 260(7):70-84.
32. Lin, B., Xu, B#., 2020. Effective ways to reduce CO2 emissions from China's heavy industry? Evidence from semiparametric regression models. Energy Economics, 92, 104974. SSCI一区、TOP期刊.
33. 徐斌、陈宇芳、沈小波.清洁能源发展、二氧化碳减排与区域经济增长.经济研究, 2019(7):188-202.
34. Xu, B., Lin, B., 2019. Can expanding natural gas consumption reduce China's CO2 emissions? Energy Economics, 81, 393-407. SSCI一区、TOP期刊.
35. Lin, B., Xu, B#., 2019. How to effectively stabilize China's commodity price fluctuations? Energy Economics, 84, 104544. SSCI一区、TOP期刊.
36. Xu, B., Lin, B., 2018. What cause large regional differences in PM2.5 pollutions in China? Evidence from quantile regression model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 174, 447-461. ESI高被引论文、SCI一区、TOP期刊.
37. Xu, B., Lin, B., 2018. Investigating the differences in CO2 emissions in the transport sector across Chinese provinces: Evidence from a quantile regression model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 175, 109-122. SCI一区、TOP期刊.
38. Xu, B., Lin, B., 2018. Investigating the role of high-tech industry in reducing China’s CO2 emissions: A regional perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 177, 169-177. SCI一区、TOP期刊.
39. Xu, B., Lin, B., 2018. Assessing the development of China’s new energy industry. Energy economics, 70,116-131. ESI高被引论文、SSCI一区、TOP期刊.
40. Lin, B., Xu, B., 2018. Growth of industrial CO2 emissions in Shanghai city: Evidence from a dynamic vector autoregression analysis. Energy, 151, 167-177. SCI一区、TOP期刊.
41. Lin, B., Xu, B., 2018. How to promote the growth of new energy industry at different stages? Energy Policy, 118, 390-403. SSCI/SCI一区、TOP期刊.
42. Lin, B., Xu, B., 2018. Factors affecting CO2 emissions in China’s agriculture sector: A quantile regression. Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 94, 15-27. SCI一区、TOP期刊.
43. Xu, B., Lin, B., 2018. Do we really understand the development of China's new energy industry? Energy economics, 74, 733-745. SSCI一区、TOP期刊.
44. 李江龙, 徐斌.“诅咒”还是“福音”:资源丰裕程度如何影响中国绿色经济增长?经济研究, 2018,(9):151–167. (通信作者).
45. Xu, B., Lin, B., 2017. Assessing CO2 emissions in China's iron and steel industry: A nonparametric additive regression approach. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 72, 325-337. SCI一区、TOP期刊.
46. Xu, B., Lin, B., 2017. What cause a surge in China's CO2 emissions? A dynamic vector autoregression analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 143, 17–26. SCI一区、TOP期刊.
47. Xu, B., Lin, B., 2017. Factors affecting CO2 emissions in China’s agriculture sector: Evidence from geographically weighted regression model. Energy Policy, 104, 404-414. ESI高被引论文、SSCI/SCI一区、TOP期刊.
48. Xu, R., Xu, L., Xu, B#., 2017. Assessing CO2 emissions in China's iron and steel industry: Evidence from quantile regression approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 152, 259-270. SCI一区、TOP期刊.
49. Lin, B., Xu, B#., 2017. Which provinces should pay more attention to CO2 emissions? Using the quantile regression to investigate China's manufacturing industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 164, 980-993. SCI一区、TOP期刊.
50. Xu, B., Lin, B., 2017. Does the high–tech industry consistently reduce CO2 emissions? Results from nonparametric additive regression model. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 63, 44-58. SSCI一区、TOP期刊.
51. Xu, B., Xu, L., Xu, R., Luo, L., 2017. Geographical analysis of CO2 emissions in China's manufacturing industry: A geographically weighted regression model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 166, 628-640. SCI一区、TOP期刊.
52. Xu, B., Lin, B., 2016. Assessing CO2 emissions in China’s iron and steel industry: a dynamic vector autoregression model. Applied Energy, 161, 375–386. ESI高被引论文、SCI一区、TOP期刊.
53. Xu, B., Lin, B., 2016. Regional differences of pollution emissions in China: contributing factors and mitigation strategies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 112, 1454-1463. ESI高被引论文、SCI一区、TOP期刊.
54. Xu, B., Lin, B., 2016. Regional differences in the CO2 emissions of China's iron and steel industry: Regional heterogeneity. Energy Policy, 88, 422–434. ESI高被引论文、SSCI/SCI一区、TOP期刊.
55. Xu, B., Lin, B., 2016. Differences in regional emissions in China's transport sector: Determinants and reduction strategies. Energy, 95, 459–470. SCI一区、TOP期刊.
56. Xu, B., Lin, B., 2016. Reducing CO2 emissions in China's manufacturing industry: Evidence from nonparametric additive regression models. Energy, 101, 161–173. SCI一区、TOP期刊.
57. Xu, B., Luo, L., Lin, B., 2016. A dynamic analysis of air pollution emissions in China: Evidence from nonparametric additive regression models. Ecological Indicators, 63, 346–358. SCI二区.
58. Xu, B., Lin, B., 2016. Reducing carbon dioxide emissions in China's manufacturing industry: a dynamic vector autoregression approach. Journal of Cleaner Production. 131(9), 594–606. SCI一区、TOP期刊.
59. Xu, B., Lin, B., 2016. A quantile regression analysis of China's provincial CO2 emissions: Where does the difference lie? Energy Policy, 98, 328–342. SSCI/SCI一区、TOP期刊.
60. Xu, B., Lin, B., 2015. Factors affecting carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in China's transport sector: a dynamic nonparametric additive regression model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 101, 311–322. ESI高被引论文、SCI一区、TOP期刊.
61. Xu, B., Lin, B., 2015. Carbon dioxide emissions reduction in China's transport sector: A dynamic VAR (vector autoregression) approach. Energy, 83, 486–495. ESI高被引论文、SCI一区、TOP期刊.
62. Xu, B., Lin, B., 2015. How industrialization and urbanization process impacts on CO2 emissions in China: evidence from nonparametric additive regression models. Energy Economics, 48, 188–202. ESI高被引论文、SSCI一区、TOP期刊.
63. 徐斌、陈建宝.财政支农支出、经济增长、收入差距与区域农村居民消费——基于非参数可加模型的实证研究.数理统计与管理,2015, 34(5):769-783.
1. 国际期刊Energy Economics副主编
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6. 国际期刊Journal of Reviews on Global Economics副主编
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