Liquid air energy storage: Price arbitrage operations and sizing optimization in the GB real-time electricity market

2019-04-22 11:04:54 作者: 所属分类:学术文章 阅读: 评论:Liquid air energy storage: Price arbitrage operations and sizing optimization in the GB real-time electricity market已关闭评论

【篇名】:Liquid air energy storage: Price arbitrage operations and sizing optimization in the GB real-time electricity market

【作者】:Boqiang LinWei WubMengqi BaicChunping XiedJonathan Radcliffed

【作者单位】:School of Management, China Institute for Studies in Energy Policy, Xiamen University, Fujian 361005, PR China

The School of Economics, China Center for Energy Economics Research, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian 361005, PR China
Birmingham Centre for Energy Storage, National Centre for Nuclear Robotics, Nuclear Engineering, School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK
Birmingham Centre for Energy Storage, School of Chemical Engineering, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK

【文献出处】:Energy Economics, Volume 78, February 2019, Pages 647-655

【关键词】:Liquid air energy storage (LAES);Real-time electricity market;Operation strategy;Price arbitrage;Sizing optimization

【摘要】:Liquid air energy storage is a novel proven technology that has the potential to increase the penetration of renewable on the power network and in the meanwhile to obtain revenues through energy price arbitrage. This paper proposes a methodology to evaluate the economic viability of liquid air energy storage based on price arbitrage operations in the GB real-time electricity market. The arbitrage algorithm designed in this article determines price thresholds every half hour under different operation strategies and according to which, decisions are made for the system to charge, discharge or stand by, and the optimal design of the size of different components for the system are also evaluated. Results suggest that the 12 prognostic is the best operating strategy, and under which a 200 MW LAES system is able to achieve a positive net present value of £43.8 M. Without using waste heat, the payback period for a 200 MW system can be as long as 36.9 to 39.4 years, depending on which arbitrage strategy is applied. However, with waste heat of 150 °C adopted, the payback period can be shortened to 8.7–9.8 years.

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