根据最新ESI(Essential Science Indicators)显示,2018年以来,厦门大学中国能源政策研究院院长林伯强教授发表的文章新增八篇高被引论文(ESI-Highly Cited Papers)。截至当前,林伯强教授所发表的文章共有37篇入选ESI-Highly Cited Papers。
Lin B, Zheng Q. Energy efficiency evolution of China's paper industry[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 140: 1105-1117. 【ESI高被引论文】
Xu B, Lin B. Carbon dioxide emissions reduction in China's transport sector: A dynamic VAR (vector autoregression) approach[J]. Energy, 2015, 83:486-495. 【ESI高被引论文】
Lin B, Tan R. Estimation of the environmental values of electric vehicles in Chinese cities[J]. Energy Policy, 2017, 104:221-229.【ESI高被引论文】
Yang L, Lin B. Carbon dioxide-emission in China׳ s power industry: Evidence and policy implications[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016, 60: 258-267.【ESI高被引论文】
Xu B, Lin B. Factors affecting CO 2, emissions in China’s agriculture sector: Evidence from geographically weighted regression model[J]. Energy Policy, 2017, 104:404-414.【ESI高被引论文】
Gong X,Lin B. Structural breaks and volatility forecasting in the copper futures market[J]. Journal of Futures Markets, 2018, 38(3).【ESI高被引论文】
Gong X , Lin B . Forecasting the good and bad uncertainties of crude oil prices using a HAR framework[J]. Energy Economics, 2017:S014098831730302X. 【ESI高被引论文】
Lin B , Wu W . Why people want to buy electric vehicle: An empirical study in first-tier cities of China[J]. Energy Policy, 2018, 112:233-241. 【ESI高被引论文】
注:ESI(Essential Science Indicators, 基本科学指标数据库)是基于SCI(Science Citation Index)和SSCI(Social Science Citation Index)所收录的全球11,000多种学术期刊1000多万篇文献而建立的分析数据库。ESI-Highly Cited Papers (高被引论文)是根据对应领域和出版年中的高引用阈值,并在最新2个月内具有很高被引用次数的ESI论文,每个领域的前1%的论文得以入选ESI-Highly Cited Papers。
厦门大学中国能源政策研究院 邝运明